Thursday, April 16, 2009

Week 2

This week I played a lot of Killzone 2 (I guess I just had a lot of time...) on the PS3, and finally made General class! The sniping didn't go very well (I'm more of a run up and shoot kind of FPS player), but it did pay off when I got the new ability "Spot and Mark" which basically puts a reticle on the screen of where an enemy is. No wonder I was always shot out of the blue by snipers all the time! Now its payback :)

 I noticed that many people don't use the voice chat in game, in contrast to when I played Call of Duty 4. I don't hear a lot of the smack talk or taunting that you usually hear from angry gamers. I'm definitely more a passive gamer in that sense, but I do miss watching people throwing their best insults at each other back and forth. The angriest people I have ever experienced online have all come from playing on Battlenet (Diablo II, Warcraft 3, Starcraft). I can't even start a game without having someone cuss me out or call me a "noob." I figure it is these people that games are trying to censor out a little bit, in order to have a more positive environment. I know from first hand experience in an MMO (Ragnarok Online), that many people leave because of a negative experience from social interaction online. Anyways enough rambling, time to make my character in WoW this weekend!

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